Event Calendar

Harambee Beach Competition

For the UT Open Beach 4×4, you do not need to be a member of Harambee. You can join with your year club, fraternity, roommates, or friends. You can sign up via the following forms: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpWyslXy_0Z6usfc9PYp-AUqEdrUiXlISlQnhVBUz_YWmqDQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

SAVE THE DATE! 29th of May!

The Gala Committe proudly announces that the big sportsgala of the University of Twente will be back with a new edition. Every association is welcome, big and small!

Time: 29th of May, 21.00 – 01.00                                                                          Place: Waarbeck

The multi-sport event for students

The Great Dutch Student Championship (GNSK) is one of the largest student sports events in the Netherlands, with more than 2,000 athletes, supervisors and volunteers. Student Sports Netherlands is organizing the 64th edition this year in the student city of Rotterdam.

On June 7, 8 and 9, 2024, student athletes from all student cities in the Netherlands will compete in 12 different sports disciplines for the title of Dutch Student Champion. The city with the highest score in the general ranking may bear the title ‘Student Sports City 2024’.

Swimming relay for all students!

The Zwemcie has organised an exciting relay for all Enschede students!Not just any relay, but a creative relay (rumour has it that for the lucky ones, there might not be a butterfly stroke…. ;).
Sign up soon with your house, fraternity or group of friends!

Piranha Student Waterpolo Tournament

It’s time again for our annual Piranha Student Water Polo Tournament. On Monday 10 June, Enschede’s most fun water polo tournament will take place! Starting at 19:00, ZPV Piranha will organise a Water Polo Tournament in the outdoor pool on Campus that everyone can participate in, whether your name is Dénes Varga or you are struggling not to drown.

Gather all your student friends, roommates and neighbours and make sure you sign up your team before 2 June or contact the polocie afterwards!
